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40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation - Call for Contributions

40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation - Call for Contributions

ICRA@40 is a unique edition to celebrate 40 years of research and deployment of robotics and automation. It will review the past and dwell on the future through a single-track format conference, composed of distinguished talks, brainstorming and debate panels with the most renowned academics and industry experts on robotics and automation. In addition, the program will include presentations of papers recently accepted in RAS journals (T-RO- RA-L, RAM and T-ASE) as well as presentations of extended abstracts and videos submitted to ICRA@40. The single-track format will provide an interactive platform for discussions and debates on the present state and future directions in robotics and automation.

📌This will take place in September 23-26, 2024, in Rotterdam, Netherlands.


They are seeking the submission of extended abstracts with new ideas that hat highlight innovative concepts, open-ended themes, and novel directions as well as videos that showcase novel results or summarize the achievement in the last 40 years in the field of robotics and automation. The emphasis should be on real robotics and automation systems.


To know the details of this submissions, check the ICRA web: