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Workshop: Regulation and Standardisation

Workshop: Regulation and Standardisation


What are the software tools and common infrastructure needed for implementing transferable robotic solutions?
The main vehicle intended for transfer within the euROBIN project is the EuroCore repository.
It will be built on the AI on Demand Platform funded by the EC and it is intended to become a tool used by the entire robotics community. It is also the central tool used to involve the upcoming cascade funding partners.
The EuroCore will host and curate a list of open source code, data, robot models, and documentation. Building upon ROS and Open Ease, which allow practical transfer of models and methods on robot systems.
The workshop will present the general intent and structure of the EuroCore and will go into practical implementation aspects for integrating transferable solutions on different robot systems. The workshop will also have the very practical goal of discussing the concepts and infrastructure for the hackathon on transferable robotics which will be held at the Humanoids Conference in Nov. 2024 in Nancy.
Don't miss this interesting panel at the #ERF24, which will be held 15 Mar 2024 14:50-16:10
And we have much more to see and to do! Here you can see more:
euROBIN at ERF24


Organisers: Uwe Köckemann, Giang Hoang Nguyen, Michael Beetz, Alessandro Saffiotti, Rebecca Schedl-Warpup